Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Website update

www.silverscreensnob.co.uk has been updated (at last I hear you cry).

There is a review of Transformers: Age of Extinction, behind the scenes photos of Sacha Baron Cohen filiming 2 minutes from my workplace, plus my trailer of the week.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

New Film Forum

Now the website is back up and running, I have added a forum to allow people to talk about films, stars, reviews, news, etc...
You can reach the forum by vising www.silverscreensnob.co.uk and clicking on the forum button found on the front page.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Back Online

So, after a few days disruption, www.silverscreensnob.co.uk is back online. I will get new trailers up later on today.

Last night I went to the cinema to review Mrs Brown's Boys D'Movie for my local newspaper. My review was limited to 200 words so I plan to write a more detailed piece and have it online by tomorrow at the latest.

So glad to be back :)