Friday, 31 July 2015

Cinema Review: Ant-Man (12A)

Starring: Paul Rudd, Michael Douglas, Evangeline Lilly, Corey Stoll

Director: Peyton Reed

Runtime: 117 minutes

After the anticipation and excitement generated for Avengers: Age of Ultron, you'd be forgiven for thinking that Marvel's latest film might be something of a damp squib. It certainly hasn't created the same hype that surrounded the second collaboration of Earth's mightiest heroes.  However, as the saying goes, "good things come in small packages" and Ant-Man is definitely good. In fact, I would go so far as to label it a great movie.

For the uninitiated, here is the basic plot. Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) is a gifted electronic expert who was imprisoned for 'stealing' four million dollars from his corrupt ex-employers and refunding it to various customers. As the film begins, Lang is released from San Quentin and tries desperately to go straight for the sake of his young daughter Cassie. Redemption is found in the shape of Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) who requires Scott to perform one last burglary, but this time one that will save the world.

I initially thought that Paul Rudd was an odd choice for a superhero role, being better known for appearances in comedies on both the big and small screen. I'm glad to say that as Scott Lang, Rudd gives the audience his funny side as well as convincing us that he is a desperate father willing to do anything for his child. It's also clear that Rudd has been down the gym in preparation for the part; the hard work certainly paid off.

Michael Douglas also does well as Hank Pym, the creator of Ant-Man and ex SHIELD employee. For fans of the comics, the Pym character is a PG version of what has come before; Douglas plays Hank as a loving father, husband and mentor.

With every great superhero film, there needs to be a great super villain. Corey Stoll portrays Darren Cross, Hank's protege who now runs Pym Technologies and is desperately trying to create an army of 'Yellowjackets'. As Cross, Stoll gets to be an evil genius in a business suit and manages to stay on the right side of smarmy.
I would have liked to see a bit more of Yellowjacket, but there is a nice little pay off with a great confrontation between the two tiny characters.

I was never a fan of Evangeline Lilly when she found fame in the TV series Lost. However, her appearances in The Hobbit films renewed my faith in her and I have to say that I like her even more in this film. She is a strong character who is forceful without coming across as a bitch. I am actually excited for her rumoured return.

If Captain America: The Winter Soldier brought political thriller into the Marvel universe, then Ant-Man introduces the heist film genre. This isn't just about a man in a special suit which makes it all the more entertaining. There are some great characters and set pieces and little Easter Eggs to keep all the fans happy.

And viewers will be happy to know that this film has gone old school; there are 2 stingers, one mid and one post credits, so stay in that seat until the very end!