I admit it, when the announcement was first made that Paul Feig was going to produce a new Ghostbusters movie, I shuddered with horror. Not that I had anything against Mr Feig as such (I hadn't seen any of his films at that point) but I was disgusted that anyone at all would dare mess with such a classic... how very dare they! I resolved not to give this project any of my time or money, that would show them.
I didn't really give it any more thought until the release of the trailer.
"Meh." I wasn't bowled over but neither was I completely horrified (uh-oh). Then when the next trailer emerged my (then) 10 year old daughter showed an interest.
Her eyes lit up and she pleaded "Can we go see this please?"
My other half was having none of it (I dare not repeat his colourful language in case my mother reads this). However I was slightly more impressed and I decided I might give it a go, even if just to make my child happy (what a wonderful mum I truly am).
So, come the summer holidays we booked our tickets and off to the cinema we went. I even managed to purchase our seats for free (thank you Nectar card) so I didn't have anything to lose.
And do you know what................................................................................. I really enjoyed it!
By now you probably know what the film is about. Was it completely original? Of course not. However I found the story engaging and I liked the characters, they were all entertaining in their own ways.
I loved the fact that the movie revolved around four strong and intelligent women who save New York, not because of a man or love, but because they're the only ones who can.
There was no romance which I found so refreshing. Yes, we do have Chris Hemsworth as the eye candy but what a change from the usual female 'totty'. And let's face it, it's his personality and funny lines that make his character so endearing, not his biceps.
As the mother of a young girl growing up in modern society, I found this film to be a great lesson for her. It proved women are awesome, funny, clever and there for each other. That right there is the main reason why I like this film.
I'm not sure why all the hate. Some of it may be down to people, like my other half, who were completely disgusted by the thought of anyone messing with a film as beloved as the original, I know that was my original feeling.
Others may disagree with some of the points I have highlighted above. That's fine, I thought Watchmen was the biggest waste of hours I can never get back (and that's fighting talk to some of the people I know).
Everyone has their own opinion and they are more than welcome to it. But I firmly believe this film deserved a bit more love than people gave it.