Sunday, 26 July 2020

What Has Lockdown Taught Me?

I start this blog as I'm in the car, on my way back home from a week away in Scotland. It was a trip we had planned for our first wedding anniversary in May, but obviously Covid 19 put a stop to that. 
We visit Scotland every year but this trip was different; many places were still shut, face masks everywhere and food outlets were restricted. But it didn't ruin the experience as we found new places to visit and eat (had an amazing fish supper on the last evening - will definitely go back to that chippy next year). And that's what inspired me to write this blog. Yes, Covid has been awful with death and ruination across the country. It has changed the way people work and take care of themselves (or not). It has spawned a 'new normal' for many, including myself. And it's this new normal that has taught me alot about what I want and who I want to be (having nowhere to go for months on end equals many, many hours of thinking time).

Fitness First
This photo was taken a couple of weeks before our trip so may not be the truest reflection of how I look right now (damn you haggis, ice-cream and wine). However, the last few months have given me time to work on my fitness. 
Back in March, just as lockdown was kicking in, all I wanted to do was lose weight. I was obsessed with getting down to my wedding weight (135lbs/10 stone 9lbs). I worked out each morning and restricted my diet. That, along with being stuck inside all day, plus the number on the scale not shifting fast enough, meant I was miserable. I couldn't spend the next few months feeling this awful. So I switched focus. Instead of keeping my calories super low, I would aim for 100g protein each day, and make more progress with my weights. 
Since then, I dropped a few pounds while eating good food and not starving myself. I'm trying body recomposition (losing body fat whilst building muscle). It's a sloooooooow process but I know it'll be worth it in the end.

Who's your mummy, and what does she do?

I have been working from home ever since lockdown started. This has been my desk for the last 3 months. It has been difficult at times, but there have been aspects about working from home that I will be sad to see go. For example, I don't miss the 5am alarm calls and hour long commute each way. 
I enjoy my job, but wondering if I need a new challenge. I teach GCSE English to a group of (mostly) young males who hated the subject at school and resent the fact that they are being made to repeat it (sometimes more than once). I understand their pain, it must be completely disheartening to have to retake an exam you failed the first time (at least according to government expectations). When I do get those learners who succeed, there is no greater feeling, but the journey there is emotionally exhausting.
I also enjoy the other aspect to my role, supporting new teachers in the college. I love guiding them through the college processes and helping them to achieve all they can. Again, when they ace their probation observation, it feels amazing. But I can see a rough year ahead. I don't know what it is, but I can sense the changes.
I want a role where I can help and support people, but maybe in a different environment. There is also a part of me that wishes to carve out a path of my own, working for myself. How that might look? I have a few ideas but this is definitely a subject to be continued.

Doing it naturally
This could be linked to the whole fitness aspect of my life, or it could be that as I get older, I'm OK with saying "fuck it" more often. Recently, there has been a bit of a surge in confidence in this 39 year old. I am growing out my overly dyed hair, am buying the clothes I like (as opposed to getting the opinions of others first) and have started going out more sans makeup. And I don't mean just to pop to the shops, I mean going out for the day with photos a plenty as evidence. This is a big deal for me, and I'm going to write a blog post dedicated to the journey of my face. Until then, lockdown taught me to not worry so much about my face (looks like it's going to be half covered in public for the foreseeable anyway).

Blog Life 

I didn't take advantage of my time to create any blog posts. Maybe because I wasn't doing anything worth writing about. But actually, quarantine life is still life. I was just making excuses not to write and that made me sad. This blog is about me; the good, the bad and the downright ugly. So here I am. Besides, everyone needs something to read in the bathroom, am I right? 🤣

Think I'll leave it there for now. I'm still in holiday mode (and have an extra 3 1/2 lbs to prove it) so going to enjoy the last game of the season and then get back to business on Monday.