Sunday, 13 September 2020

Life at 40 (and beyond)

My 40th birthday BBQ at my mum's house

So, almost 2 weeks ago, I turned 40. 

Some people might think that this included a lot of wailing and crying, but to be honest, I was looking forward to this decade change.

I know - what a cute child

I wouldn't say that my life before had been terrible, it's been pretty good to be fair. But the last few years have certainly seen a massive improvement.

I graduated at the age of 34 and since then, I have had a surge in career. Less than a month after finishing my last university course, I found a job as a part-time English lecturer at a college. They decided to interview me and then proceeded to offer me a full time position. I have gone on to complete my PGCE (with Merit - get me) and more recently, I was promoted to a Teaching and Learning Coach. Although things are not perfect - education is a funny place to be right now - there are still times when I am reminded how much I love my job. 

I have ideas and plans about what I would like to do next - I don't want to stay still for long. As my daughter gets older, and starts her own journey towards the world of work, I feel like there are more opportunities for me now than there were in my twenties, and I can't wait to see where I go next.

Check out ma' guns

It's no secret, I like to work out (and post semi naked photos to prove it).

As a teenager I used to swim regularly for a club, as well as play netball, and occasionally get drafted in for some athletics, for my school. As I moved into my twenties, I still managed to stay thin, although I wouldn't say as fit.

Then pregnancy happened. I went up to a size 14/16 which might not sound big, but for someone who used to be as active as myself, it seemed horrific. For a while I didn't do anything about it. I told myself that I could be comfortable as I was and this was what my body would be like from now on. But it was a lie, one I told myself because I wasn't ready to put in the work.
I can't pinpoint the moment I said enough was enough, but I made the decision to start exercising and eating better. I went back swimming, even completing the Swimathon in 2013. Since then I have bought an exercise bike, as well as several kettlebells, to add to my exercise routine. I have lost, and managed to keep off, more than 2 stone.
I also spent my time improving my knowledge of nutrition. I'm certainly no expert but I have spent many hours researching the best way to fuel my body to keep it healthy as I age. In fact, I feel fitter and stronger now that I ever did when I was younger which is why I have loved turning 40... surely it can only get better as I find out more. I'm extremely interested in continuing to educate myself about health and well-being (new career path, hmmm?)

The night before my birthday

There was a time in my life when there was no way that I would leave the house without wearing makeup. I don't know why, I certainly wasn't an expert at it, but my face was not to be seen bare.

As with the exercise, I couldn't tell you when I made my decision, but one day I just wondered who I was trying to impress. What was the point in spending all that time covering up, just to face mostly strangers. One day, I left the house with no makeup on. There were no comments or sneers to suggest that I had made a huge mistake. I couldn't remember why I had been so worried about it. It became more and more normal until eventually the makeup free days outnumbered the made up ones. 

In the last 2 years, I have come to terms with how I look as I get older. Even at my age, I'm still experimenting about what products to put on my face, and no treatments have ever been able to help the hormonal acne that makes a regular appearance on my jawline. However, I have always cleansed, toned and moisturised which seems to be helping keep those wrinkles at bay... for now. I have seen other people my age use some extra help to look young(er). For now I'm making the decision to grow old as naturally as possible - but never say never.

I think the fact that I exercise regularly, and try to eat well most of the time (which is ironic considering the amount of chocolate and wine I have consumed since my birthday weekend) helps with my self-confidence, which makes it easier to like what I see in the mirror more often than not. 

My birthday BBQ

The saying goes: "40 is the new 30" but actually I don't think it's the new anything. It's just an age and it can be the end of something, or just the beginning. Age is the passing of time, and while I cannot stop, or even slow the days that come and go, I can make the most of each and every one and that's what I plan on doing. For me, 40 is a great age - come back in a decade and we'll see if I'm as enthusiastic for 50 😂