Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Top 5 movies

So this is the obligatory 'best films' list. I believe that the movies in a person's list says a lot about them. I'll leave it up to you to decide what my list says about me :)

1) One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
     The rest of the list is in no particular order but this film is my all time number one. My dad introduced me to the video when I was 11 years old and I was instantly obsessed, not only the film, but with the irrepressible Jack Nicholson; a man so charming he makes the audience forget that he is a convicted criminal. Instead we cheer for his character as he takes on the authority of Nurse Ratched, played by the amazing Louise Fletcher. What I love most about this film is the way it pulls you in, into the world of R.P McMurphy and his fellow patients, with all their unstable yet lovable quirks. You love them even if you have no idea why. The staying power of this film within my life is evident as I always end up crying at the same damn bit... not girly tears but proper blubber and snot crying. I dare anyone with half a heart not to be moved by this film.

2) La Haine
    Another film that I had an instant attachment to, I first watched this in an A-Level Media class. The trio of Vinz, Hubert and Said are characters that people, especially younger viewers, can relate to; angry, bitter, wanting more from life. Despite the heavy moments throughout the movie, it's not depressing. You can see the light, even if others in the film fail to do the same.
The film features not only my favourite shot, filmed on a rooftop in Paris, but also has one of my favourite film lines ever (I won't spoil it).

3) Zatoichi
    I am referring to the version made in 2003 starring Beat Takeshi. I am going to try and sum up this film in a few words: swords, blood, blindness, flying limbs, geisha, orphans, tap dancing peasants, more blood. Again this is one of those films that, no matter how many times I watch it, I cry in the exact same place.

4) Airheads
    Yes, that's right, you heard me correctly. Airheads. They may have come after Bill and Ted, and followed Wayne and Garth, but Chazz, Rex and Pip are my ultimate film rock stars.Hell, the film even has a cameo by White Zombie... I rest my case :)

5) Blues Brothers
    To be honest, I don't think I can pin point the one thing that makes this film stand out for me. I love the music, I love the car chases, I love the cameos and I love Belushi and Aykroyd. It's just a great combination of elements that make this such a great movie. I always come away from it smiling and feeling like I've had a good time despite the fact I've just been sitting on my bum for a couple of hours. Any film that makes you feel that good can't be bad.

And there you have it, my top 5. There were a few films that just missed out on the list but if I named them, that would be cheating. I'm not sure what my list says about me. I like a foreign film? Music is important to me? I have a weird sense of humour? Whatever it says, I like what I like and I'm afraid there's just no changing that.

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