Over the past few weeks, we have introduced our daughter to the Die Hard films. She has loved them, she waits with anticipation to hear that immortal line (and proceeds to giggle furiously when it's uttered). It made me think about which film is the best but also why. So here is my opinion on the films, rated from worst to best; see if you agree.
5. A Good Day to Die Hard (Die Hard 5)
As a series, Die Hard has ended on a sour note. Each film tries to be bigger and badder than its predecessor so the fifth film was always going to have a hard time after McClane managed to save the entire country in Number 4. However moving the action to Russia just didn't work, it didn't feel right.
The bad guys were numerous yet, at the same time, non existent. Nobody cares about the villains and if you don't care about them, how can you care what John McClane does to stop them.
I missed the film at the cinema so that means I also missed the short reappearance of Lucy McClane... it's very bizarre to see her named fourth in the credits and not watch her on screen. And then we move on to the other McClane sibling. I have nothing against Jai Courtney but there were many times when I wanted to slap him around the face. He is supposed to be a CIA operative but spent a large part of the film having a hissy fit at seeing daddy dearest. Plus was there any need for him to talk to John about terrorism as if he were a complete novice... where has McClane Jr. supposedly been for the past few years (and 4 films)?
There are a few nice quips from John but the script is mostly lack lustre. The action sequences are cool and over the top (the car chase from the court being the stand out piece) but that can not save the film. Let's hope they do make another Die Hard film, if only to give the series a proper send off.
4. Die Hard: With a Vengeance (Die Hard 3)
A controversial choice maybe; many prefer the original three over the last two. However, I have my reasons.
As much as I love Samuel L. Jackson (and let's face it, who doesn't) I wasn't too sure about the introduction of his character. The first two films were all about McClane, as a lone hero, against a large number of terrorists. He had help along the way but he had never been saddled with a partner; There were already so many 'buddy' movies including Lethal Weapon, 48 Hours and even Beverly Hills Cop. Although I can see why they decided to change it up, the feel wasn't 'Die Hard'.
I was also a bit peeved that Simon (Jeremy Irons) just happened to be Hans Gruber's brother. Yeah, it made sense in the storyline, but it just felt lazy. Obviously that family had big problems. It also put an end to my theory that Hans was created from pure evil, but in a good suit.
I did enjoy seeing New York, even if most of it was at break neck speed. The city is a star in itself; from subways to parks, from rough to rich neighbourhoods. The Blu Ray transfer brings each scene to clear brilliance.
And on a last note, I finally know how they made 4 gallons with those jugs... only taken at least 10 viewings to fully understand it.
3. Live Free or Die Hard (Die Hard 4.0)
So, after pooping all over the buddy aspect of Die Hard 3, why on earth would I prefer number 4 and the introduction of computer hacker Matt Farrell? It's not as if Justin Long is a better actor than Samuel L. Jackson (hell no) but it's what the character brings that interests me. In the previous three films, John eventually figures out the villains dastardly plan and manages to save the day. In this one, John cannot work things out because he has no clue about the modern world and technology. He is firmly from the old school and this point is made throughout (sometimes like a hammer to the head). He needs Matt to save the day; heck, to save the entire country. Matt is like John's young, nerdy Yoda.
This is also the film when we are first re-introduced to John's kids in the form of Lucy Gennaro/McClane (Mary Elizabeth Winstead). Some people have described her character as a bitch but I suppose that's the whole point. She is her father's daughter and the audience gets to see her change as she realises she needs her dad a lot more than she first thought. It gives parents everywhere hope that our kids won't always hate us (you can tell I'm looking forward to the teenage years).
I confess that part of my preference for part 4 is the inclusion of Cyril Raffaelli and Maggie Q. Raffaelli is under-rated as a martial artist and I was excited that he was finally getting some Hollywood exposure (I thoroughly recommend watching District 13 and Kiss of the Dragon to see him at his finest). With Maggie, it was the addition of a butt kicking female that I enjoyed. She looks good but also fights like a beast; the clash between her and Willis is brutal.
This film just feels more exciting to me, and the ending is more satisfactory (although that part I cannot explain). We watched the DVD version because it was uncut so we sacrificed clarity of picture for more action (and that line in full).
2. Die Hard 2
So, onto sequel number one. From the opening shot of William Sadler performing naked Tai Chi to the final runway sequence, Die Hard 2 is almost as good as the original. The setting is bigger and the sequences more outrageous (maybe a little too outrageous but more about that later).
There are some nice little nods to the first film including appearances from Sgt. Al Powell and Richard Thornburg; just enough to prove it's a Die Hard film without looking like a carbon copy. The script, the look and action sequences all seem very 'Die Hard'.
The film is also a love letter between John and his wife Holly. Although they barely spend any screen time together, the film is about them; about John doing anything and everything to save his wife (again). Who isn't delighted at the end with their reunion?
There could be an argument that some of the action scenes are over the top. I'm not advocating that these types of films be realistic; we watch action films to be entertained, rarely to be educated. However, if people can moan about the runway scene in Fast & Furious 6 then surely we can't forget the one in Die Hard 2. Also the hand grenades used against McClane when the General finally escapes have the longest fuses known to man. But these are small niggles that, when you first watch, you don't care about.
The only reason this film doesn't get to number one is because it's a sequel, so...
1. Die Hard
In 1988, a film was released that started a series which, so far, has spanned over 25 years. It starred an actor in his early 30s who was better known for being one half of a TV duo in the series 'Moonlighting'. It was a film that forever linked Bruce Willis to action star status.
Many films have used the idea of confining the setting to one building (Towering Inferno in the 1970s, and more recently The Raid and Judge Dredd, being examples) but this one seems to be the most famous of them all.
It's not just Willis that makes this film so good. Alan Rickman has never been better than as Hans Gruber. In any other hands, this character could be just a typical slime-ball killer but Rickman manages to bring an air of class to the role. His coolness is only offset by his ruthlessness (the scene where he shoots Takagi is particularly callous).
John McClane is an everyman, nothing particularly extraordinary. A New York cop with family problems. That's what makes it so special. He's taking on the bad guys not because he has the training to do so, but because he is the only one who can.
The one liners are funny and the action is superb. Plus we first hear that infamous line.
There is a tenuous link between how the line comes about and a throwaway line made by a bad guy in Die Hard 5, bonus points if you know what it is.
Die Hard is my number one Christmas film; every Christmas Eve we watch Willis take on Hans, Karl etc... Even after watching every year for at least the last 7 years, the film is neither tired nor boring.
And that's it, my view on the Die Hard film series. Not everyone will agree with me (thank God) but then again some people might not have thought about it before.
All I hope is that we get a sixth film to say farewell to McClane properly.
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