Monday, 22 June 2015

Book Review: Easy Street (The Hard Way)

As readers may or may not know, I love Ron Perlman. Love him to the point of obsession. From Sons of Anarchy to The Ice Pirates (yes, even that piece of crap), I have gladly given viewing figures to anything that has him on the cast list. So when he released his autobiography, Easy Street (The Hard Way) it was a no-brainer about what would be the first book I read after finally finishing my degree.

For the earlier part of his career, Ron Perlman wasn't a face anyone would recognise because his roles normally involved layers upon layers of prosthetic make-up. He was a neanderthal caveman, demented hunchback and a loveable beast. But don't take me word for it, Perlman details all these roles and more as he delves into his career. He also writes about his family, the tragedy that he faced as he was growing up. He is also very candid about his depression and opens up about his personal details.

The book reads as if Ron was talking directly to you; lots of contractions, colloquialisms and many, many swear words. But that's how you could imagine him speaking and it makes it easier to connect with him as he recalls as the highs and lows of his life.

Perlman talks about his many experiences on different sets, meeting legends of film such as Marlon Brando and Sean Connery. He has praise for many, and those he didn't like, well, he skirts around these issues and leaves a lot of reading between the lines. He doesn't come across as someone afraid to speak out so I'm assuming that he is just being polite and not willing to bad mouth anyone unnecessarily.

If you take only one thing away from this book, then there is no doubt that it would be Ron Perlman's passion. Passion for acting, music, family. It oozes out from every word on the page. It was inspiring to read his story and I found myself identifying with him at several points.

Reading an idol's story is always risky; what if the person that comes across is not one that you like? Luckily this book has served to reinforce my love for Ron Perlman and even given me a new perspective on him.

Even if you are not a fan of the Hellboy star, this book is an extremely interesting text. I would also recommend it as a must read for anyone in the business that is show!

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