So here we are again. Four weeks into the latest national lockdown and I have to admit, it's starting to get to me. However, I have made an effort to keep my body and brain active. I thought I would just share what I have been doing this time around in an attempt to make my way through this and hopefully come out of the other side with some ounce of sanity still intact.
There's never been a better time to pick up a new hobby (or 5). During the week I'm glued to my dinner table, staring at a screen. Whether it be for teaching a class, attending a meeting or observing another teacher, I'm stuck in the same place for hours and hours and hours (you get the picture). I didn't want my weekend time to be exactly the same as my work time (screen time is OK but needed to break it up somehow). So I have invested in a couple of new activities to keep me going.
First up is colouring. This is a craze I initially resisted, mainly because if everyone else is doing it, I try to avoid it. But lockdown 3 has changed my mind. Something I originally dismissed as brain numbing now looked like something I needed. Something I could do to lose myself, even if for just a short time. I've only coloured one page so far but I was so proud of what I had achieved. It's the most creative I've been with my down time so far so will definitely be doing more soon.
The other main hobby I have taken up is knitting. Now I know this is not something normally associated with a rock chick like myself 🙄 but I find it quite comforting. And it's something that I've dabbled in on and off over the years. This time I have given myself an actual task, to create a blanket using three colours, one picked by each of the household. I'll be sure to keep you updated in the coming months.
Yes, there's nothing better than getting lost in great stories to take your mind away from the shit reality we are currently living in.
Now I love reading but I always have periods of devouring different books and then spending a long time not looking at a single page. I think it might be because I constantly change my mind about books and genres. So far this month I have finished 2 James Patterson novels. Now going to change it up and read an autobiography that I've been after for ages (see above). Maybe mixing up my book types might keep my brain engaged 🤞.
Anyone who knows me knows that exercise has been a big part of my life for the last few years. First it was 'shredding for the wedding'. Then it was all about being #fitbefore40. Now it's all about being the best me. Now to be fair, I'm not sure what my exact goal is yet, or even if there is a specific goal, but working out makes me feel better about myself. During this lockdown I'm trying to get out for a walk in the morning, to clear my head before my day begins. I've only been doing it regularly for the last week but so far so good. Whilst reading and my new hobbies keep my brain engaged, this is the way I keep my body in check.
Fight Film Friday
So this was a term I made up after watching an action film one Friday evening. Sitting with the hubby and our daughter, watching people kicking the shit out of one another, I realised it was a release we all needed after a week at work/home learning. Something that didn't tax the brain. Good old fashioned action - a genre we all love. Hence, Fight Film Friday was born. It's something that I now look forward to each week, a chance to chill after a more often than not stressful week. My snack bowls have made a comeback (more about those another time) and I've been able to rediscover some oldies but goldies. Maybe I'll do some posts on the movies we watch... maybe.
Writing this blog is also good for me. I've neglected it for a long time as I wasn't sure what I should focus on. But it's supposed to be just my way of getting my thoughts out into the world. I write for me but if it resonates with anybody else, well that can only be a good thing.
Fab read Kerry. Thanks hun. X