Apparently, as we get older, women are supposed to follow certain rules when it comes to fashion. No skirts above the knee after a 'certain age', no sleeveless tops after a 'certain age'. I'm not even sure what that 'certain age' even is but I've decided that these rules are utter nonsense and here is why.
Most of these rules have more than likely been decided by men. Yes, women may write about them in fashion magazines, or share these ideals with their friends, but the ultimate source is probably from what men like or dislike on a woman. So actually these dressing rules are another form of control that men used to keep women in line.
OK, that might be quite heavy for a first point, but allow me to continue. How we dress should be an expression of who we are. Our personalities shine through the clothes that we wear. Even if trends don't bother us, that would still be seen through our choice of garments. Therefore, why should any rules apply at all? Our personalities don't always drastically change as we age (maturing from adolescent to adult aside) so why should our clothing? It's not realistic to assume that a woman goes to bed after a birthday night out in a leopard print mini skirt and awakes the next day needing to buy everything several inches longer just because she reached that magical 'certain age'.
Another thing that I don't understand is how these rules can apply when some people don't look a 'certain age'. There's a lot more help now to keep women looking younger, including creams, pills, lazers and needles. Women are growing older but not necessarily looking it. I'm lucky enough to have been told by a few people that I don't look my age (40 for any enquiring minds) so surely that means I could get away with particular rule breaks? However, do I look like I dress by the rules? Most of my clothing has either a band or a comic book character on it. Even my work dresses have dinosaurs on them.
Which brings me to the main reason why I started this brain dump to begin with.
I bought a pair of leather like trousers recently. They fit comfortably so I was chuffed with that. But I actually second guessed myself and started to worry about what people would think when I wore them out somewhere. Yep, my brain started to overthink and I wondered if I was too old to wear them 🙄 (insert face palm here). Luckily this was for only a brief moment but it's amazing that I felt like that at all. That ideas like that are ingrained in (mostly) women so they question their fashion choices, not because of aesthetic or trend, but because of age.
As the world opens back up, I look forward to wearing clothes other than PJs or leggings (although I do have a cracking selection of lycra such as the pair above). As I approach that 'certain age' (or have I already reached it?) I hope to continue to dress in the same haphazard, 'looks like it was dark when I changed', manner that suits me. And if that means breaking a few age related rules, then so be it.... I hope you can join me 😁
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