Friday, 31 October 2014

Review: Fury (15)

World War Two has been covered throughout the years on both film and television. Various campaigns and battles have been displayed on screen for the education and entertainment of audiences. Could writer and director David Ayer give the viewer a different slant on such a well documented period of history? 

His latest film, Fury, follows an American tank crew during the final months of the conflict. Brad Pitt plays the commander, Don 'Wardaddy' Collier, a man for whom fighting has become the only way of life. When we first meet him, he violently beats a German soldier to death then releases the man's horse, free of its restraints. He is a character of contrast; both calm and philosophical but also brutal and almost soulless. His men need him to be both as they face a dangerous and relentless enemy.

After having lost one of their own, the team are sent raw recruit Norman Ellison (played by Percy Jackson actor Logan Lerman) who has never seen any action. It is Ellison's journey from newbie to battle hardened soldier that the film focuses on; how does war affect a man? The film seems to ask the audience if it is inevitable that Norman will follow the example of his fellow crew as war consumes him. 

The rest of the cast are fair support, although Jon Bernthal's character is completely unlikable. Ayer has obviously written the part to demonstrate how war can warp a man and in that regard Bernthal plays it perfectly, but it is hard to care what happens to him as the film continues.

Ayer does not shy away from the graphic nature of conflict. Filth, blood and death are smeared all over the screen as wave after wave of explosions hit the audience right between the eyes. The quiet, reflective moments only serve to lull the viewer into a false sense of security before the action begins again.

There have been some negative comments that Fury does not fully reveal the harsh conditions that men endured both in the war and as part of a tank crew. However, the film is brutal and pulls no punches in the way it portrays the fighting and hatred on both sides. There are some great performances from Lerman and Pitt, who both convey their roles superbly, allowing the audience to really connect with their characters. 

The viewer is left under no illusion; war is hell. Fury needs to be seen as an example of great set pieces, brilliant acting and as a testament to the men who fought.

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (Episode 5) - Recap

2x05 - A Hen in the Wolfhouse
Spoilers, this recap follows the U.S broadcast.
It's just like Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, no sooner have we established that Agent Simmons is working as a mole within Hydra than her cover is blown and it's time to get her out.

Thank goodness for Bobbie Morse aka Mockingbird. As head of security at Hydra she is one vicious bitch and you're already psyching yourself up for a Morse/May showdown. However, she is actually another undercover agent and kicks some serious butt. In an instant you go from hating her to cheering her on; well played Adrianne Palicki. And was it just me or did anyone else scream at the TV "I bet she's Hunter's ex". 

Skye's father's monstrous personality is starting to come into play, scaring even the ice cool Raina. I am starting to change my mind about Kyle MacLachlan's casting after his performance in this episode. He displayed a vast range of emotions during these 40 minutes. He must have found that damn fine cup of coffee I recommended a couple of weeks ago.

Talking of Raina, it looks like she'll be sticking around for a least a couple more episodes. She is so slick that I just can't see anyone taking her out... yet.

All in all another safe episode, Simmons is back, the team have a new recruit and Skye and Coulson made up. However the alliance between Skye's father and Dr Whitehall proves intriguing and I can't wait to see the fall out from it.

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Review: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (12A)

OK, so I went into this film with both excitement and trepidation.

I was taking my daughter to see a film which was based on characters I had watched and loved when I was her age. Now, I know the original 1990 film was hardly an Oscar contender, but for a young child it was the right mix of action and humour. Would the new version be a load of crap? Mumblings from other reviewers had been less than positive and that worried me. However I wasn't going to be put off so it was away to the cinema with an eager 9 year old girl in tow.

The plot is simple; four teenage mutant ninja turtle brothers must face the evil Shredder in order to save New York. See, how uncomplicated is that? Of course there are other elements to the story but nothing overly convoluted which is good seeing as the film's 101 minute run time is already crammed with action sequences and plot devices. The scenes speed into one another; We meet Eric Sacks (William Fichtner) and establish his relationship with April, then in the very next minute, he is meeting with Shredder and discussing their evil plans. Nothing is given a chance to build up, questions are answered as soon as they're asked.

There are also unnecessary links between the characters. Without giving away too many spoilers, the writers (Josh Appelbaun, Andre Nemec and Evan Daugherty) have tried too hard to establish a shared history. While I can understand why they have attempted to do so, it does not add anything and should have just been left alone.

The main action sequences are stunning, especially the downhill chase that has featured heavily in the trailers. Jonathan Liebesman has directed effects laden movies before (Wrath of the Titans and Battle Los Angeles) but this is probably his best attempt so far.

The turtles do not have equal screen time, with Michelangelo and Raphael receiving most of the attention. Also, I was a little put off by the fact that Leonardo was voiced by Johnny Knoxville. His voice is too recognisable above all the others (even Tony Shalhoub who I thought did a good job as the voice of Splinter). Apart from that niggle, there is a great relationship between the turtles (and the rat). 

Megan Fox was not awful as April O'Neil, yet she wasn't that good either. She spent too much time being the object of various lustful comments, and not enough being the fearless reporter she is supposed to be (taking photos on a phone does not make you a journalist). And Will Arnett's character is next to useless; I'm hoping that they bring Casey Jones in to the sequel.

As a reviewer, I should probably abhor this film but as a movie lover, I walked out of the cinema having enjoyed it. Yes, the humour is immature but this is a children's film for adults. There are several references that will be certain to go over younger heads yet they can enjoy the fart jokes and physical comedy.

So, was my trepidation justified? A little. But the child inside me couldn't help but love it and I am actually looking forward to a second helping.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

TV Review: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (Season 2 - Episode 3)

SPOILERS - this review/recap is based on the US broadcast

2x03 - Making Friends and Influencing People

This episode starts with the reappearance of Dr Whitehall (Reed Diamond) who is relishing the brainwashing of an ex S.H.I.E.L.D agent (slightly reminiscent of A Clockwork Orange).

We then to cut to our first view of the season of Simmons (the real one that is, not the one in Fitz's head). She wakes up in a well lit and beautifully decorated apartment, she exercises on her very own running machine, she peruses her wardrobe full of outfits... (you get the picture). Everything is sweetness and light (including the music) until we cut to the large Hydra emblem on the wall of her lab. Shock, horror, is Simmons now a Hydra agent?

This being Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, everything is explained quickly and, panic over, Simmons is really undercover (phew, she's far too sweet to be a bad guy). It's never fully explained who's decision that really was but I'm sure that's for another time.

The bad guy for this week is Donnie Gill, who we last saw in the Season One episode 'Seeds'.He is shown but discarded all too quickly, I would have liked to see him for a couple more episodes to really explore his power.

But for me, it was Ward that was the real catalyst for this week's drama. Iain de Caestecker was on top form yet again when he finally came face to face with his would be killer. Ward also had a profound effect on Skye, especially when he informed her that her father was still alive. Her first kill barely raised her heart rate but this shocking revelation made her heart race. Does she believe the double agent and his new found honesty?

And by the way, that S.H.I.E.L.D agent from the beginning, she may figure in future episodes after her eventual corruption.

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Review: A Walk Among The Tombstones (15)

This film was reviewed as part of the Festival Leisure Park Film club and was printed in the Thurrock Enquirer. Below is the link for the review which was printed unedited (I was quite chuffed about that).

Review: The Equalizer (15)

Director - Antoine Fuqua

Writer - Richard Denk

Starring - Denzel Washington, Chloe Grace Moretz, Marton Csokas

Runtime - 131 minutes

There are many people my age (a youthful 34 years) that may have heard of the television series The Equalizer but never watched an episode. It was an 80s show that starred Edward Woodward as a retired intelligence agent who helped people in trouble. Think the A-Team, but with more violence.

Fast forward to 2014 and Antoine Fuqua has once again teamed up with Denzel Washington, this time to produce a cinematic remake of the programme. 

We begin by meeting Washington's character, Robert McCall, who is far too meticulous for a simple assistant in a DIY store. But here he is, helping his co-workers and encouraging them to achieve their dreams. He blends in without truly being one of them as proved when he is quizzed by two younger colleagues about his past. The story then follows McCall to a 24 hour diner where he has a strange relationship with a young prostitute, played brilliantly by Chloe Grace Moretz. She has the right mix of innocence and world weariness; it's easy to forget that she once played a little girl who caused so much controversy with a certain C word.

This platonic relationship leads to some violent consequences when the young woman is severely beaten and our hero's true nature presents itself.

Without giving too much away, Robert's actions lead to a 'fixer' being sent from Russia to deal with this problem. Marton Csokas is adept at playing Russian scumbags on film and TV, all be it this time in an expensive suit. He is a worthy adversary for McCall and the face off between the two is captivating.

The final sequence takes place in the DIY store and features one of the most tense hand to hand fight scenes in recent history. There are some brutal kills that made several members of the audience audibly gasp. Shopping in B&Q may never be the same again.

I have read some reviews that complain about the lack of history of our hero. To that I say those people obviously feel the need to be spoon-fed information as they are too lazy to watch the film. Antoine Fuqua is a show, not tell, director. All the facts are lovingly displayed on the screen. The drama may not be as intense as Fuqua and Washington's first collaboration, Training Day, but it's still a thoroughly entertaining piece of cinema with great set pieces.

And, if nothing else, The Equalizer goes to prove that there is nobody who looks better than Washington when walking away from an explosion in slow motion.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

TV Review: Sons of Anarchy (Season 7 - Episode 4)

7x04 - Poor Little Lambs

SPOILERS - for anyone who has not watched the episode.

The revenge trail is still hot as Jax continues to stalk Lin's businesses in a bid to destroy him. However the tables have turned as the Chinese deliver a brutal retaliation; looks like someone has snitched on the Sons (hands up if you think it's Jury). Guns and grenades figure into the violent and bloody come back. However Mr President didn't look too upset, he just looked even more angry. The eventual showdown between these two leaders is going to be intense.

With all this fighting Sutter drops in some emotion with the welcome return of Venus Van Damme (Walton Goggins with a much more modest neckline). The club need Venus' help in locating a pastor's wife in order to keep August Marks sweet (and that was the least interesting part of the episode). We find out that Tig has kept in touch with the delectable Miss Van Damme and we are treated to some tender moments between the pair. Massive kudos to Kim Coates and Walton Goggins; their exchanges are balanced perfectly. They were sweet without tipping over into utter absurdity.

Courtney Love makes her first appearance as Abel's teacher. I wonder if she relished the irony when she says, "Grandma's kind of crazy", something I'm sure she's heard a little bit in her own personal life (the crazy part, not Grandma, obviously).

Talking of Gemma, she's about to drive Juice out of town once and for all. But both murderers seem to have the same idea when they ready their guns with silencers. Are they protecting themselves or is the survival instinct finally kicking in? Is a face off between the two now imminent? Katey Sagal has always been amazing but Theo Rossi's acting is certainly up there with the best.

There is a part of me that now wants to move this Triad/Mayan/Niner/Marks (bet the Irish are glad they're out of it this season) bit on... it's all about the eventual truth and the retribution that will be wrecked on the real culprits.

TV Review: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (Season 2 - Episode 2)

SPOILERS - do not read if you're not following the US broadcasts of the show.

2x02 - Heavy is the Head
No time for a breather, we join the action just as it ended last week, with Creel escaping with the 084 and Hunter being trapped in the SUV as the only survivor of last week's crash (I honestly did not see that coming; of the three newbies I did not think the English guy would be the only one to make it to episode two, let alone be a major part).

Fitz's mental problems are still heartbreaking to watch (bravo Mr De Caestecker) but we already have a small sign that the old Fitz is somewhere about inside that damaged brain. Like everything else in the Marvel universe, time waits for no man (or woman). His relationship with Mack is lovely to watch; even his inner Simmons approves, yet I wonder how this friendship will proceed considering his previous bromance ended in his near death.

It was nice to see Reina ('Flowers') back and no longer working for Hydra. However she seems to have aligned herself with somebody supposedly much scarier, Skye's father. I was a little disappointed when we finally met Kyle MacLachlan (and I wish the show had not put his name in the beginning credits so it had been a bit more of a surprise). The shot of the bloody hands at the end of Season One seemed to promise so much (yes, the hands were that scary) but I found it hard to take MacLachlan seriously as a monster. Maybe he just needs a damn fine cup of coffee and everything will be OK (that's one for the Lynch fans).

As per usual, Coulson had all the best lines delivered in his normal dead pan style.Watching him and Talbot face off was entertaining.

No Reed Diamond this week but by the looks of the trailer for next week we'll get to see him again, as well as a surprise that may not be so pleasant for the team... keep watching folks.