SPOILERS - do not read if you're not following the US broadcasts of the show.
2x02 - Heavy is the Head
No time for a breather, we join the action just as it ended last week, with Creel escaping with the 084 and Hunter being trapped in the SUV as the only survivor of last week's crash (I honestly did not see that coming; of the three newbies I did not think the English guy would be the only one to make it to episode two, let alone be a major part).
Fitz's mental problems are still heartbreaking to watch (bravo Mr De Caestecker) but we already have a small sign that the old Fitz is somewhere about inside that damaged brain. Like everything else in the Marvel universe, time waits for no man (or woman). His relationship with Mack is lovely to watch; even his inner Simmons approves, yet I wonder how this friendship will proceed considering his previous bromance ended in his near death.
It was nice to see Reina ('Flowers') back and no longer working for Hydra. However she seems to have aligned herself with somebody supposedly much scarier, Skye's father. I was a little disappointed when we finally met Kyle MacLachlan (and I wish the show had not put his name in the beginning credits so it had been a bit more of a surprise). The shot of the bloody hands at the end of Season One seemed to promise so much (yes, the hands were that scary) but I found it hard to take MacLachlan seriously as a monster. Maybe he just needs a damn fine cup of coffee and everything will be OK (that's one for the Lynch fans).
As per usual, Coulson had all the best lines delivered in his normal dead pan style.Watching him and Talbot face off was entertaining.
No Reed Diamond this week but by the looks of the trailer for next week we'll get to see him again, as well as a surprise that may not be so pleasant for the team... keep watching folks.
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