Thursday, 9 October 2014

TV Review: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (Season 2 - Episode 3)

SPOILERS - this review/recap is based on the US broadcast

2x03 - Making Friends and Influencing People

This episode starts with the reappearance of Dr Whitehall (Reed Diamond) who is relishing the brainwashing of an ex S.H.I.E.L.D agent (slightly reminiscent of A Clockwork Orange).

We then to cut to our first view of the season of Simmons (the real one that is, not the one in Fitz's head). She wakes up in a well lit and beautifully decorated apartment, she exercises on her very own running machine, she peruses her wardrobe full of outfits... (you get the picture). Everything is sweetness and light (including the music) until we cut to the large Hydra emblem on the wall of her lab. Shock, horror, is Simmons now a Hydra agent?

This being Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, everything is explained quickly and, panic over, Simmons is really undercover (phew, she's far too sweet to be a bad guy). It's never fully explained who's decision that really was but I'm sure that's for another time.

The bad guy for this week is Donnie Gill, who we last saw in the Season One episode 'Seeds'.He is shown but discarded all too quickly, I would have liked to see him for a couple more episodes to really explore his power.

But for me, it was Ward that was the real catalyst for this week's drama. Iain de Caestecker was on top form yet again when he finally came face to face with his would be killer. Ward also had a profound effect on Skye, especially when he informed her that her father was still alive. Her first kill barely raised her heart rate but this shocking revelation made her heart race. Does she believe the double agent and his new found honesty?

And by the way, that S.H.I.E.L.D agent from the beginning, she may figure in future episodes after her eventual corruption.

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