Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Cinema Review: Chappie (15)

Neil Blomkamp is big news right now after being named as director for the new Alien film. He first came to prominence in 2009 with his science fiction hit District 9. However, his follow up movie, Elysium, was regarded as inferior. Could he return to form and produce another hit with his sci-fi offering, Chappie?

The film is set in the very near future where the South African police use robots to help control a violent population. One such robot is kidnapped by his creator (Dev Patel) in order to secretly experiment with a new artificial intelligence. Unfortunately both man and machine are taken by three criminals hoping to pull off a massive heist. With the gang in possession of the A.I, it's up to them to 'raise' the robot and teach him about the world.

The film is never quite sure where it wants to place itself; is it drama, action, thought-provoking science fiction? Just when you think you have the movie figured out, it changes direction again leaving the viewer scratching their head in confusion. 

The cast are just as chaotic as the story. Dev Patel puts in another fine performance as Chappie's maker, Deon. But the main star, although never actually seen on screen, is Sharlto Copley as the titular Chappie. His innocence, especially in the early part of the film, is astonishing; I found I had a lump in my throat during one particular scene when the robot is confronted by a gang of kids. He manages to convey so much emotion without the use of facial expressions.

Sadly the same cannot be said for the rest of the actors. The inclusion of rap duo Die Antwoord (Ninja and Yolandi Visser) is bizarre casting as neither of them are particularly likeable in their roles. Their music plays constantly in the background so if you're not a fan it can be quite distracting.

Then there is Hugh Jackman. His character is an ex-soldier with a grudge, but on screen he comes across as a petulant bully with khaki shorts and a bad haircut. Throughout the film I was torn between viewing him as the main antagonist or a comedy ruffian. Jackman is normally a decent actor but this role does not do him any justice.

This film could have been so much more. There are many questions about the use of artificial intelligence and its potential, but these seem to be sidelined for a visually remarkable, but otherwise messy, movie.

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