Thursday, 19 March 2015

Cinema screenings - a little rant!

So, just a little moan on a Thursday night.

I was checking my local cinema listings, hoping to pick a few films and have a day out at the flicks. I was particularly looking forward to The Gunman and Run All Night. However, my plan was scuppered because of poor scheduling.

Apparently, if you want to watch an action film (aimed predominantly at men over the age of 15) then you must only want to attend the cinema at night. Because the two films I want to see are not being shown until after 8pm.

Now, I know I'm no expert; I don't own a cinema and I have never run one. However, surely not everyone in my local area is a night owl. I'm a morning person (annoyingly so) and much prefer seeing my films in the day time when I am most alert.

At the grand old age of 34, I love nothing more than spending my evenings at home, in my PJs, spending time with my family. I know not everyone is like me, and I would never suggest anyone should be, so I don't begrudge late showings. But come on cinema gods, why not put on an early showing for the earlybirds such as myself.

So, that's my moan... until the next time :)

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