We are now in the midst of week 6 of lockdown with no clear indication of when it will eventually start to drift back to normality. It's hard. I have had several wobbles; times when I've wanted to curl up into a ball and just cry. I'm lucky in that my hubby and daughter have been here to get me through any dark moments. And the rest of the time I find that if I have a structure, it takes my mind off of the scary moments and keeps me focused. I'm not going to take you through my day hour by hour, that's just dull and not helpful to everyone as we all have our own timetable. But, I will share my lockdown non-negotiables, the things I always include to keep me sane (or at least a manageable level of insanity)
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Post workout glow |
This is a must for me! I always feel like I've achieved something if I workout. It doesn't have to be a huge sweat-fest, but it has to be at least 30 minutes where I move my body and get my heart rate up. I just use whatever I have available which includes some kettlebells, resistance bands, my old Wii Fit step and an old exercise bike. Plus I always end my workout with 10 minutes of yoga. I started to include this regularly as I find that the stretching helps my muscles (so important at my age) and it helps with calming my brain before I start my day... namaste.
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Always love a cuppa - a present from my dad and his wife |
I know a lot of coffee drinkers, and I sometimes envy the choice they have when they saunter into a Starbucks or Costa and have an array of tastes and flavours to pick from. But I tried coffee once, and it certainly didn't agree with me. So that just leaves me with hot chocolate and my trusted cuppa.
Tea is life, and I'm not exaggerating. It's the thing that wakes me in the morning, and soothes me to sleep at night (decaffeinated of course). I am a habitual early riser (even at the weekends I'm normally up before others) so my first cup is almost always enjoyed by myself, with no one around to disturb me. This is my 'me' time and I bloody love it. That isn't to say I don't like my family, but there is something special about that time in the morning where I can sit in silence, maybe read a little, or listen to my morning motivation podcast and savour my caffeine in peace. I hesitate to think what would happen if this part of my day ever changes 😧
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We like to get creative at work |
As soon as 5pm ticks around, my laptop goes off. That might not seem unusual, however as a teacher, it's almost unheard of. But, as people keep saying, this is an unprecedented time and as this madness continues, so will my 5 o'clock sign off. And that leads me to my next must-do, my daily walk.
At the beginning of the lockdown, I would only go for a walk every few days, just when I wasn't using weights to workout. But as days turned to weeks, I started to get a bit of cabin fever and that was very unsettling. Hubby suggested that maybe I should go for a walk after work (which means he was cooking dinner - bonus). So, for the last 2 weeks, I have finished work, grabbed my trainers and gone out into the 'fresh' air. My daughter has also started to join me on these little strolls. Where I adore my alone time in the morning, I equally love this mother daughter time in the late afternoon. I barely see her as she does all her school work and has her chill time in her room, so this is our time to catch up and check how we are both doing. Different scenery helps me, even if it is just for half an hour a day.
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I own an Amazon tablet but sometimes there is nothing better than a traditional book |
This is something that I tried to do regularly pre Covid-19, lockdown has just given me more opportunities to get into a good book or article. And as much as I love a good film or TV series, I sometimes need to use my own imagination for a while and that is where reading is perfect. I vary what I read; autobiographies, fitness articles, historical novels, satirical political magazines, etc. I currently use my lunchtime for 20-30 minutes of uninterrupted book time. I need this time as I find it a very calming activity and one that stops my brain from over thinking about other stuff.
There are other elements to my lockdown routine but at the moment the list above are the main things that get me through, that make each day a little more bearable. Feel free to comment if there is anything that is getting you through lockdown or maybe give some of these things a go if you're not already.
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