Friday, 3 April 2020

Guess Who's Back?

It has been a while, years in fact. What the hell has been happening during that time?
Well, after taking a teaching job in 2015, I started my PGCE which took 2 years to complete (whilst also working a full timetable - lots of fun).
Then last year, I managed to get myself promoted as a Teaching and Learning Coach - oooo, get me!

I've still been going to the cinema and watching as many films as I could mentally cram in, but I just didn't have the time to write about them. To air my views about the latest movies, as well as sharing my thoughts on moving pictures from the past, there just wasn't the time to squeeze that in among the hours of planning, marking, report writing, etc. Or that's what I told myself.

But times, they are a-changing. The current situation has meant that the outdoors is no longer accessible and we have to find new things to do to keep our brains from exploding with utter boredom and worry.
The hubby (oh yeah, I did a thing) has encouraged me to get back to writing this blog. Yes, the cinema is a no-go area, but with Netflix, Prime, Disney +, etc. there are still plenty of of things to watch and absorb. So here I am, back to something that brought me so much joy (and a bit of agonizing over vocabulary choice and punctuation placement) to share my thoughts with... well, whoever wants to read this.

Obviously, with the blog being (currently) confined to indoor entertainment, there may be some new topics of conversation, but everything will be from the mind of this slightly eccentric, now closer to forty, film loving, blogger.

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