Sunday, 14 March 2021

The Perils of being an Early Bird

Today is Mother's Day, a time when mums up and down the U.K. are being spoiled by their children of all ages, including the traditional cuppa in bed. Last night my daughter told me that I was not to get up before her so she could bring me a cup of tea. To most mums, this sounds great; being able to laze around and be served with a hot cuppa by their doting child. However, I find this instruction difficult because I am one of those horrid freaks - a natural early riser 😱

I've not always been this way. Years ago I was partial to a weekend lie in until the clock showed double figures. But when I started teaching, I knew that I was going to find it difficult to fit in exercise with my new working hours and extra responsibilities. I had always been active with riding my bike to and from work, and swimming regularly, but now I would have to find a new way of staying in shape. And thus, I trained myself to wake up earlier. It wasn't an easy transition but eventually I would get up at 5am, get my workout done and then get ready for the working day.

I like the way this sets up my day. It really is true that the only workout you regret is the one you don't do. If I don't exercise before work, I know it won't get done later, and I feel sluggish and slow all day. Working out for 30 minutes each morning gives me the start I need. Unfortunately, this has also impacted my weekend.

Sunday is the one day of the week where I refuse to set an alarm. I double check on Saturday night that my watch and phone are both silenced so I can try to enjoy a lie in. But my body disagrees. Take this morning for example. My daughter had warned me not to get up early but at 6.30am my body (or more accurately, my bladder) had other ideas. When I got back in bed, I tried hard to go back to sleep but once I'm awake, that's it, I'm not nodding off again. Sometimes it's OK. I'll just camp out in the front room with tea and a book, enjoying the silence until the rest of the clan emerge. But this morning, I was not disappointing my daughter. Two hours later 😧 she finally emerged and the day could begin. I should be grateful, it's probably the earliest she has woken on a weekend in months.

I know I sound ungrateful. It's not that. I've trained myself to wake up early and I forget sometimes that it isn't normal to everyone. If I'm planning on going anywhere, I want to be there when it opens, mostly to avoid it being too 'peopley'. It does make spontaneous trips more difficult and it must frustrate the hell out of my not as early to rise daughter (although she still indulges me every so often with morning trips out).

Being an early riser also means being an early to bed-der. Whilst my husband and daughter are settling down for the evening, I'm cleansing and toning for the night. It's not that I can't stay up, but if my alarm is set for 5am, what's the point? If I don't try to get my 8 hours (which in reality ends up being more like 6 hours) of sleep, I'll more likely snooze too many times, not do my workout and just be a miserable batch all day... all for the sake of staying up a little later, not doing much. At least my early wake up gets me active.

I like routine and 5am wake up calls are part of that. I thrive on having a plan but it does sometime mean that my life doesn't quite align with those I love. 

But this morning, my daughter made me a cup of tea in bed... that was worth staying in bed for.

Monday, 8 March 2021

International Women's Day - what does it mean to be a 'strong' woman?

I thought I would take a break from my blog challenge to address International Women's Day.

I've heard all the comments that surface on this day:
"What do you need to celebrate for?"
"What about men's day?"
Etc. Etc. Etc.

International Women's Day is a day for ALL women. Those in countries without equal rights. Those who struggle to raise a family, hold down a job, continue their education, support loved ones, and so on. Those who smile on the outside whilst struggling internally. Those who suffer at the hands of those who should love them unconditionally. All women should be supported and celebrated - that's what today is for. Not necessarily for ourselves, but for women everywhere.

Sunday, 7 March 2021

Day 7 - Hobbies/Interests

Before lockdown (part one) I loved to be out and about. My interests were mainly in the arts: music, film, theatre, museums... I wanted to see, hear and learn as much as I could. The hubby, teenager and I would always be going to gigs and the cinema. However, there were quite a few times when something of interest would crop up and I would go see films, plays or exhibitions on my own (I fully believe that you shouldn't miss out on something just because noone else is interested. I also believe you shouldn't drag someone along if they aren't keen to go. Just pull on those big girl pants and take a solo trip.)

Since lockdown my interests have had to adapt quite a bit. That isn't to say that the arts completely stopped, just became a little more home-based. We've streamed a couple of gigs, and Mischief Theatre did some online performances that had my daughter and I in stitches. I attended some online museum talks, but after teaching online for hours on end, you kind of want to separate from the screen for a while.

So I've picked up a couple of new hobbies in this past year. I've taken up colouring. I'm definitely not a very artistic person but it is quite therapeutic and I certainly feel a sense of achievement when I finish a picture (my poor hubby - it must be like having a small child again when I'm shoving the paper under his nose and proclaiming "look what I've done!")

Then there's the knitting. I've tried it before a few years ago when I had all these great intentions of creating a blanket. But it all fizzled out after a few months. Well, I've picked up the needles again (OK, new needles as I threw out the old ones years ago) and the blanket is back up and running. 1) Because I thought it could be kept as a family heirloom, and 2) I only really know how to knit squares.

Lockdown is coming to an end (apparently and eventually). Cinemas and theatres will open back, museums will welcome back visitors, and bands will get back on stages to entertain crowds. But, I'll still try to keep up my new hobbies, because you never know what might happen next (and people can always use a new blanket).

Saturday, 6 March 2021

Day 6 - Hidden Talent

I don't think I have any talents, hidden or otherwise. I guess it's because I see talent as something that occurs naturally, or at least with minimum effort.

Everything I have achieved, and still aim to achieve, is down to hard work. I've had to graft to get what I want. Sometimes it has paid off, and others... well I guess you can't have a success story for everything you do.

My career is currently a result of 6 years of part time degree study (whilst working and raising my young daughter), plus a further 2 years of teacher training whilst simultaneously teaching a full timetable. I still have more I want to complete (Advanced Teacher Status, Masters) but I have no talent for it, I have to work hard.

My fitness and motivation definitely does not come naturally. I've had to push myself to get into the routine of early morning workouts and healthy eating. Again, this is not talent, just stubbornness.

Friday, 5 March 2021

Day 5 - Favourite Movie

No after thoughts or second guesses needed for this entry. My favourite film is One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. 

I was about 12 years old when my dad first introduced me to this. He brought it home on video and we sat and watched it together. I was mesmerised, mainly with Jack Nicholson's performance as R.P. Mcmurphy. It was the film that sparked something inside me that led to my passion for the movies, and a growing obsession with Jack (and maybe a bit of a crush).

I'm going to start a film challenge this weekend where the first entry is my favourite movie, so I will go into more detail then. For now, I'll ask, what's your favourite film?

Thursday, 4 March 2021

Day 4 - Favourite Song

As I've said previously, I love rock and metal. I'm not adverse to other genres, but I like it loud and heavy 🤘

My favourite song is not one from my favourite band (the hubby was certain I'd be writing about a Skindred track). Instead, my favourite song is 'Born to Raise Hell'.

I don't know if it's the music, the lyrics, or even just the fact that it's in the movie 'Airheads' (which I seriously love) but this song just does something for me. Feeling sad - play the song. Feeling angry - play the song. Feeling romantic - sod it, play the song.

I never got to hear the original version live but was lucky enough to see Phil Campbell and the Bastard Sons play it with Whitfield Crane at the Shepherd's Bush Empire.

So what about you? Which song is your ultimate track? Feel free to comment here or on the page where you found this link.
See you tomorrow 🤘

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Day 3 - Dream job

No, I don't dream of being a cinema usher (I'd end up being fired for ignoring the customers so I could watch the movies and eat all the popcorn). 

I would love to be a film director. Not 'I wanted to be a film director', I want to be - the dream hasn't died yet. I mean Ridley Scott was 42 when he directed Alien, so maybe there's still hope for me yet.

I'm not completely delusional. I know Oscar success might evade me - I've probably got more chance of winning a Razzie, but that didn't harm Halle Berry's career.

My hubby is still encouraging me to go and make a short film of my own and I'm definitely up for the challenge. If I can stay consistent with my writing, it could well be the next step.

If I fail to become the next Kathryn Bigelow, owning my own cinema would be a good conciliation prize.

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Day 2 - Goals for March

1) Finish this challenge
I'm quite fickle and sometimes have grand ideas that I don't always see through. I blame it on having so many ideas that something new always comes along and distracts me. However, I'm making a concerted effort to finish this challenge. We'll see where we are in 30 days.

2) Continue prep for photoshoot
I had booked myself a photoshoot to celebrate turning 40. Obviously due to Covid, it had been pushed back (twice). It is booked for 24th April so fingers crossed, with BoJo's recent lockdown road map, this time is the one. With that in mind, I'm trying my best to stay in shape so my photos look good. For March I just want to be consistent and keep my workouts going. I keep changing my mind about the type of body I want to have, but as long as it's fit and healthy, I'll be happy (and if an ab or two decides to make an appearance, I certainly won't complain).

3) Make plans
I'm cautiously optimistic about the end of lockdown. I know things are not set in stone but I also feel better when I have something to look forward to. I love making a list and planning days out (with appropriate wardrobe ideas). So I have started to put things in motion, although slowly and carefully for now. By the end of this month, I would like to have at least booked a staycation for May, and I might start to buy tickets for some theatre shows, although I'm booking way ahead (October time), just in case. I would also like to get out of my flat and go somewhere other than the shops (my current weekend treat) so I have decided to go blossom hunting. One of the houses along my daily walking route has a blossoming tree in the front garden and it definitely lifts my spirits when I see it. Therefore, before the month is through, I would like to visit at least one London park, and spend some time with the cherry blossoms.

Monday, 1 March 2021

Day 1 - About me

It feels a little silly doing this as pretty much everyone who might read this blog already knows me. But, just in case any newbies do sneak in (or found this by accident) it's only polite to introduce myself.

I'm Kerry, 40 years old, currently a teacher but possibly the world's next best film director or movie critic (it's good to have dreams).

I have one teenage daughter who is like me in some ways, and so much better than me in others.

I've been married to Luke for almost 2 years although we've been together for closer to two decades - we were slow up the aisle (insert your own jokes here).

I love movies. I'm obsessed with films of most types (have to confess to not being a massive fan of horror or rom -coms). I am equally happy watching a serious drama or a fast paced action flick. One day I hope to make my own short film, but until then I'm happy to just watch, talk and write about other people's efforts (part admiration and part jealousy). 

I also love heavy music - rock and metal. But that doesn't mean I can't appreciate some Lady Gaga or Jamie Cullum (I loved his Christmas album).

I'm happy to enjoy the great outdoors with long nature walks, but just as happy to chill at home in my PJs with a cuppa and some knitting.

OK, think that'll do for now before this starts to sound like some cheesy Tinder profile. I'm sure I'll end up revealing more about myself as the challenge goes on - the good, the bad and the downright weird.