Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Day 3 - Dream job

No, I don't dream of being a cinema usher (I'd end up being fired for ignoring the customers so I could watch the movies and eat all the popcorn). 

I would love to be a film director. Not 'I wanted to be a film director', I want to be - the dream hasn't died yet. I mean Ridley Scott was 42 when he directed Alien, so maybe there's still hope for me yet.

I'm not completely delusional. I know Oscar success might evade me - I've probably got more chance of winning a Razzie, but that didn't harm Halle Berry's career.

My hubby is still encouraging me to go and make a short film of my own and I'm definitely up for the challenge. If I can stay consistent with my writing, it could well be the next step.

If I fail to become the next Kathryn Bigelow, owning my own cinema would be a good conciliation prize.

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