Sunday, 7 March 2021

Day 7 - Hobbies/Interests

Before lockdown (part one) I loved to be out and about. My interests were mainly in the arts: music, film, theatre, museums... I wanted to see, hear and learn as much as I could. The hubby, teenager and I would always be going to gigs and the cinema. However, there were quite a few times when something of interest would crop up and I would go see films, plays or exhibitions on my own (I fully believe that you shouldn't miss out on something just because noone else is interested. I also believe you shouldn't drag someone along if they aren't keen to go. Just pull on those big girl pants and take a solo trip.)

Since lockdown my interests have had to adapt quite a bit. That isn't to say that the arts completely stopped, just became a little more home-based. We've streamed a couple of gigs, and Mischief Theatre did some online performances that had my daughter and I in stitches. I attended some online museum talks, but after teaching online for hours on end, you kind of want to separate from the screen for a while.

So I've picked up a couple of new hobbies in this past year. I've taken up colouring. I'm definitely not a very artistic person but it is quite therapeutic and I certainly feel a sense of achievement when I finish a picture (my poor hubby - it must be like having a small child again when I'm shoving the paper under his nose and proclaiming "look what I've done!")

Then there's the knitting. I've tried it before a few years ago when I had all these great intentions of creating a blanket. But it all fizzled out after a few months. Well, I've picked up the needles again (OK, new needles as I threw out the old ones years ago) and the blanket is back up and running. 1) Because I thought it could be kept as a family heirloom, and 2) I only really know how to knit squares.

Lockdown is coming to an end (apparently and eventually). Cinemas and theatres will open back, museums will welcome back visitors, and bands will get back on stages to entertain crowds. But, I'll still try to keep up my new hobbies, because you never know what might happen next (and people can always use a new blanket).

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