Judge Dredd has been around since 1977 when he was
first introduced in the British magazine '2000 AD'. An attempt was made
back in 1995 to introduce the character to the big screen but it bombed;
even Sylvester Stallone couldn't save the film (despite coming off the
back of the awful 'The Specialist', he had not long made 'Demolition
Man' and 'Cliffhanger').
It has taken almost 20 years for anyone else to
attempt a film starring the faceless man of the law. So, could it be
done right or would it go the same way as the Stallone stinker?
From the very beginning we are warned that this is no
comic book film for kids. Within the first 5 minutes we get several
'fucks' and a bloody graphic road accident... this is a movie purely for
big boys and girls.
Karl Urban is suitably cast as the gravelly voiced
titular hero. We don't get much background on the character but we don't
really need it; character development is certainly not a requirement to
enjoy this movie. Olivia Thirlby is Anderson, the rookie who must
shadow Dredd, while Lena Headey plays Ma-Ma, a prostitute turned drug
king-pin. The three principal actors fulfil their roles very well
although there isn't too much to stretch their acting skills.
The film is mainly set within a high rise tower, full
of the poorest folk mixed with criminal scum. For this reason there is
the obvious comparison with 'The Raid'. Both films follow a similar,
simple story; law enforcement enter a tall building to arrest a criminal
only to become hunted by the inhabitants of said building. However, the
vision and style of both films differ. Where 'The Raid' was all about
the fights and smothered in grey hues, 'Dredd' is full of garish yellows
and gun fire; there are barely any close quarter battles. It would be
unfair to continue with any comparison, this film should be viewed on
its own merit.
English director, Pete Travis, has produced a film
that may be low on story development but is crammed with blood, guts and
a visual style that impresses. The slow motion is used to superb
effect, especially during the final act.
The film is good; not as good as 'The Raid' but, as I
said before, the two really are different movies. It is worthy enough
for a sequel but, two years later, we are still waiting for any news.
Fingers are crossed that DVD and Blu-ray sales can encourage a second
outing for Urban's Dredd.
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