Saturday, 16 August 2014

Review: The Expendables 3

The Expendables was released back in 2010 and was a throwback to the action films of the '80s and '90s. It was the brainchild of one of the most famous action stars of that period, Sylvester Stallone.
It was back to the old school and audiences loved it.

Fast forward to 2014 and the third instalment of the franchise. If The Expendables 3 teaches us anything it's that bigger is not necessarily better. Including (many) new cast members and ramping up the set pieces to ridiculous may not add anything to the series but it's still an enjoyable action film.

The plot is simple; Barney (Stallone) and the boys are still pulling off missions, Stonebanks (Mel Gibson) then shows up, bad things happen and revenge is sworn. Sound familiar? Why over complicate a movie with something like a storyline when there are things to blow up. And blow up they do!

The action pieces are more spread out (this film is the longest of the three) but once they arrive they are shamelessly over the top yet entertaining.

The vast number of actors means that there isn't a chance to see the best of everyone. Indeed a couple of the roles are little more than cameos.
Of the new characters, only a few get their chance to shine. Wesley Snipes and Antonio Banderas are by far the best additions, especially Banderas' Galgo. However neither of these two are 'fresh meat'. 

The new breed include Twilight's Kellan Lutz (looking better here than he did as Hercules) and UFC World Champion, Ronda Rousey. I admit that I was personally looking forward to seeing the Rowdy One on the big screen and I wasn't disappointed. OK, she can't really act but she is given the opportunity to showcase her arse kicking skills, including her trademark armbar, and looks great doing it. The others don't do much which is a shame considering how much the trailers seemed to emphasise the 'old versus new' part of the film.

The 12A rating has meant that the film can access a wider audience but that does mean no more severed limbs and exaggerated arterial spray. A wire that would normally decapitate the villains now only knock them down. The old school, outrageous blood splatter of the original has disappeared which may disappoint a few people.

There are several little nods to some of the actors more famous films as well as Snipes referring to his legal problems; some of the in jokes might go over the heads of the younger viewers.

The Expendables 3 was never going to set the world alight but what it does do is deliver a 126 minute distraction from the world. If you don't set your expectations too high then you'll be pleasantly surprised.

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