Tuesday, 12 August 2014

R.I.P Robin Williams

I heard today about the death of Robin Williams and I cried.
He wasn't a friend of mine or of my family, I never met the guy. But his death killed a part of me inside.

I remember watching Mork and Mindy with my dad every week when I was younger. I thought Mork was the funniest and sweetest character on TV. Then my dad introduced me to Good Morning Vietnam and I was hooked. Williams was manic and made me crack up with laughter one moment, then made me weep with emotion the next.

I've never really cried over the death of a celebrity before, and there have been many, but this has really got to me. So I will be emotional and I won't care because Robin Williams meant a lot to me.

R.I.P Robin Williams... I hope you have peace now! xx

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