A blog about me - my loves, my hates and all the odd stuff in between. Finally 40 - still fabulous!
Friday, 20 August 2021
A New Challenge
Saturday, 10 April 2021
Dress for your age?
Friday, 2 April 2021
Film Review - Godzilla Vs Kong
Sunday, 14 March 2021
The Perils of being an Early Bird
Today is Mother's Day, a time when mums up and down the U.K. are being spoiled by their children of all ages, including the traditional cuppa in bed. Last night my daughter told me that I was not to get up before her so she could bring me a cup of tea. To most mums, this sounds great; being able to laze around and be served with a hot cuppa by their doting child. However, I find this instruction difficult because I am one of those horrid freaks - a natural early riser 😱
I've not always been this way. Years ago I was partial to a weekend lie in until the clock showed double figures. But when I started teaching, I knew that I was going to find it difficult to fit in exercise with my new working hours and extra responsibilities. I had always been active with riding my bike to and from work, and swimming regularly, but now I would have to find a new way of staying in shape. And thus, I trained myself to wake up earlier. It wasn't an easy transition but eventually I would get up at 5am, get my workout done and then get ready for the working day.
I like the way this sets up my day. It really is true that the only workout you regret is the one you don't do. If I don't exercise before work, I know it won't get done later, and I feel sluggish and slow all day. Working out for 30 minutes each morning gives me the start I need. Unfortunately, this has also impacted my weekend.
Sunday is the one day of the week where I refuse to set an alarm. I double check on Saturday night that my watch and phone are both silenced so I can try to enjoy a lie in. But my body disagrees. Take this morning for example. My daughter had warned me not to get up early but at 6.30am my body (or more accurately, my bladder) had other ideas. When I got back in bed, I tried hard to go back to sleep but once I'm awake, that's it, I'm not nodding off again. Sometimes it's OK. I'll just camp out in the front room with tea and a book, enjoying the silence until the rest of the clan emerge. But this morning, I was not disappointing my daughter. Two hours later 😧 she finally emerged and the day could begin. I should be grateful, it's probably the earliest she has woken on a weekend in months.
I know I sound ungrateful. It's not that. I've trained myself to wake up early and I forget sometimes that it isn't normal to everyone. If I'm planning on going anywhere, I want to be there when it opens, mostly to avoid it being too 'peopley'. It does make spontaneous trips more difficult and it must frustrate the hell out of my not as early to rise daughter (although she still indulges me every so often with morning trips out).
Being an early riser also means being an early to bed-der. Whilst my husband and daughter are settling down for the evening, I'm cleansing and toning for the night. It's not that I can't stay up, but if my alarm is set for 5am, what's the point? If I don't try to get my 8 hours (which in reality ends up being more like 6 hours) of sleep, I'll more likely snooze too many times, not do my workout and just be a miserable batch all day... all for the sake of staying up a little later, not doing much. At least my early wake up gets me active.
I like routine and 5am wake up calls are part of that. I thrive on having a plan but it does sometime mean that my life doesn't quite align with those I love.
But this morning, my daughter made me a cup of tea in bed... that was worth staying in bed for.